BACKLIGHT 02 MAIN EXHIBITION Between the 28th of September and the 1st of December 2002 Backlight 02 presents the photography and media-based artworks of 43 artists from 11 countries in Europe and South America.

A series of videos, projections, multimedia based artworks, internet projects, photo sculpture and classic camera based photography will introduce exciting positions of contemporary art to our audience.

David Farrell
Artists: Albert, Alessandro Italy

Antille, Emmanuelle Switzerland

Baseglia, Guido Switzerland

Brunner-Szabo, Eva Austria

Calo, Marco Italy

Chen, Teresa Switzerland

Domanska, Anna Poland

Farrell, David Ireland

Faure, Nicolas Switzerland

Frisch, Thierry Luxembourg

Honory, Alexander Germany

Hornung, Robert Luxembourg

Kolber, Veronique Luxembourg

Kollar, Martin Slovakia

Korzeniecka, Katarzyna Poland

Kutschker, Thomas Germany

Laitinen, Antti Finland

Lopez, Marcos Argentina

Pink Twins: Vehviläinen Vesa & Juha, Finland

Pirilä, Marja Finland

Sanviti, Oswaldo Italy

Sauerwein, Pitt Germany

Sobek, Evzen Czech Republic

Verzone, Paolo  Italy

Weisgerber, Vera Luxembourg

Zamagni, Cristina Italy

Marcos Lopez: Taxista en la Habana

Guido Baselgia: Hochland II