11.11. - 31.12.2000

Artists in Residence - Documentation on Backlight Triennale 1999

 During May 99 and February 2000, twelve international artists had be invited by Photographic Centre NYKYAIKA for a ten-days-grant in Tampere. They stayed in Hugo Simberg Residence Atelier at the central square and they worked on their own ideas and projects.

Our guests joined and enjoyed for ten days our 220-Year-Celebration, its cultural and political highlights, Light of the North and the daily life in our town. These artists took and transformed these impressions into their own individual art forms, inspired by the ideas of Backlight and the City of Tampere.


Exhibition Geneve: Cortinovis Claude, Humerose Alan, Iuncker Steeve, Pétramand Gerard

Vladimir Parfenok - Minsk;

Michi Suzuki - Firence;

Pauline Prior & Thea van den Heuvel - Amsterdam;

Paulo Catrica - Porto;

Christopher Taylor - Marseille

Elisabeth Wörndl - Salzburg;

Giorgio Barrera - Firence