Idea of Backlight  
text by Ulrich Haas-Pursiainen

Who ever is really willing to confront himself with ART is necessarily prepared to feel insecure. Art as part of its time, ZEITKUNST is always a challenge, it is condensation, illustration and often it also puts social structures into question.

The 5th International Photography Triennale BACKLIGHT (VASTAVALO) is going onto the uncertain terrain of ZEITKUNST. It will not be an event with sacrosanct, incontestable TOPACTS with the signature of historical legitimation. BACKLIGHT will be a critical challenge and it wants to be open for dialogue. Not consensus, not adaptation and also not mainstream.

The show will be an installation with different aspects of contemporary photography: landscape, people and architecture.

Aesthetical concepts will be classic documentary, personal interpretations and visual researches, conceptual works and humor.

Photoartists are may be not any longer convinced of the documentary charakter of photography. Four artists from Genf in Switzerland (Alan Humerose and friends in CHIPEX they have mixed conceptual work with documentary to create an installation as a piece of art in which documentary was in a way instrumentaliced into an art context.

Also other classic documentarists seemes to have ideas in the same way. Documentary may become again more self-reflecting and may be the social political situation in Europe, together with the advanced media experiences of the comming generation (no critics any more) with media, which has been more total than it was been 15 years ago.

Reality and fiction has become authentic on the same level with the same value. Identity and personality are not any longer based on the industrial setting but more and more on selfconstructed virtuell identities, which will become separated from traditions and work.

The concepts of life has become virtuell and of cause all documentary will react on that transformation.

Contemporary  Life is a stage in which all acteurs permanently design new rools and interpretations.

PhotoArt after media revolution appears as a mixture with reality and entertainment. Concepts of life are permanently under construction and life always is on stage, News of the day are designed by media industry, serving our voyeurism and political prejudices, good entertainment.

According to Villem.Flusser, identity might change from visual concepts towards more literatur based aspects.

Identity not any longer is created by history but more and more designed for the future.

Grown up with these settings, the coming generation of course willl confront us with a new concept of life and reality.

Kunst ist die Sichtweise einer Zeit auf sich selbst und ihre Geschichte(n).