
Ville Lenkkeri:
Old Karelians in Juupajoki
Vernissage 1st of September 7 pm.

Ville Lenkkeri, recently living in Prague, since several years is working on a project with Karelian people in Finland. The discussion on Finish history and identity after the end of cold war in Europe is again actual. Karelia is in discussion even in aspects of territorial integrity and at all it raised as a symbol for a lost part of national identity in the past decade. We are proud to have Ville Lenkkeri and his images in Tampere as an input into the discussion on Heimat and expulsion.


 Ville Lenkkeri


Short CV, August 2000

-Born in Oulu 1972

-Maturation from the High School of Mänttä 1991

-Studies of forestry, the University of Helsinki 1991- 94

-studies of Film Sciences and practise, FAMU, Prague, Czech rep. 1994-96

-studies of Photography, FAMU 1998-

Short films

Bridge 1994
Blink of an Eye 1995
Recovery 1998

Worked as art director and festival manager in Mänttä Film Weeks, Mäntän elokuvaviikko, 1996 and 1998

Photo exhibitions

Kuoret, gallery Leonardo, Tampere, group exhibition 1998

Taking part to few national group shows and numerous group FAMU exhibitions in Czech republic.