– a project on how to find your identity as unemployed in the EU"


Twenty million people are unemployed in Western Europe. ”Growth, Competitiveness, Employment” is described as a goal for the EU. They want to reduce the unemployment rate by 50% by the millenium and create 15 million new jobs. More and more people in the Western world have never had a job and unemployment has become a natural state.

Location: Museum of Labour



The project’s goal is to show how you as a European create your identity without a common job;in a time when your professional title sets your personality: when there is not work for everybody. The public view on unemployment has to change. Safe European Home will be a unique document about the unemployment developement within the EU. The documentary is going to show the new European unemployment culture.

Every country within the EU will be documented (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden and Great Britain).A representative is chosen randomly from every EU-country, based on the unemployment statistics: each country will be represented by a person whose age and gender matches the ”most frequent”-value. The most frequent-values are processed in a database search by EUROSTAT in Brussels. (In Sweden the most frequent-value is right now a 21 year old man (source: EUROSTAT). The documentation of each person takes place a week at a time – a ”typical” week in his/her life.

text: Sören Strömbom